Easy paymeny system on a mobile device

With warmer weather headed our way,you’ll be inundated with appointments and clients looking to get ready forprom, spring break, or just for fun. Not to mention, selling loads of giftcards, products, and memberships to keep those clients coming back after theevent is over.

While you’re thinking of ways tohelp get visitors through the door, don’t forget to spend some time thinking ofhow to keep them coming back. Make it easy for clients to do business with you.Ease of business heavily involves how they can pay for services at the salon orspa. Here are three payments features you should make sure your business isready to provide this spring:


E-commerce has long taken over thebrick-and-mortar method of shopping for retail items, but our industry is anexception. No one is getting a virtual haircut or massage. However, NationalPublic Radio found 76% of consumers shop online, so you have to be able toservice, not only the clients you have in-store, but those shopping online aswell. Utilizing your online webstore and mobile apps is the key to meetingclients in the moment to buy the products and services they want, when theywant, and where they want. Whether that’s at your spa or from the comfort oftheir couch, making it easy to use stored payment information or autofillpayment cards into the checkout cart is key to completing the onlinetransactions and increasing your holiday revenue.


 We all know the toll of thelines at the checkout counters of any retail outlet and the spas is nodifferent. Help clients skip the line by encouraging and reminding them to setup the autopayment features on your spa app.

That way, they can easily add products and services to their appointment andtreatment as well as add tips and gratuities at the touch of a button. Mostimportantly, they skip the lines on the way out. This also gives time back toyour employees, allowing them to focus on the personal services they do best,rather than acting as a cashier at a checkout line.


The way people like to pay is not aone-size-fits-all proposition. It’s possible to give clients options to pay theway they want to. With the spa technology available today, owners and operatorscan utilize kiosks and phones, amongst additional auto payment options toprovide clients with a variety of ways to pay for their treatment andappointment. The easier we make it for them, the more likely that they’ll comeback to see us.

Thinking about payments may not bethe most glamorous part of running a business but think about a time whenyou’ve been to a business that gets it wrong. When you’re stuck in a line thatdoesn’t seem to be moving or when it takes 10 screens to process your creditcard – when you get multiple charges for multiple items or services thisnegates the great experience the client may have had in the chair or on thetable. Make the plan now on how you can provide a seamless end-to-endexperience for clients – the end being the payment to you.

Guy Weismantel, Senior VicePresident at Zenoti: Weismantel is responsible forbuilding and scaling the global marketing organization at Zenoti,including customer acquisition, branding, product marketing, communications,events, and customer marketing. Before Zenoti, Weismantel was in executiveroles with fast growing startups Pushpay and Marchex. He also held seniorpositions with Microsoft and Expedia earlier in his career. Weismantel is agraduate of the University of Notre Dame, as well as the Kellogg School ofManagement at Northwestern University. Outside the office, Weismantel is anavid runner and loves to travel when not shuttling his son to a game orpractice around Seattle.

Source: DERMASCOPE Magazine

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