
Standing out is essential to success in the competitive realm of medical aesthetics. Whether you own a med spa that provides a range of treatments, or a pure-play business focused on a single offering like weight loss or tattoo removal, open houses help you showcase your services and stake your presence in the community. Here we offer ideas and tips to make your event a success.

6 med spa open house ideas

1. Host a VIP night for clients and influencers

Invite your most loyal clients and local celebrities. Give them a sneak peek at new treatments, special discounts, and pampering sessions. This can make them feel valued and encourage word-of-mouth marketing.

2. Offer exclusive discounts and packages

Create limited-time offers sold only during the open house. These exclusive deals can entice clients to book treatments on the spot, boosting your revenue.

As an example, Glow Medispa hosts a yearly open house that’s a favorite among clients due to special package-only pricing not available at any other time. Read the full blog post for this and other revenue-boosting ideas for med spas.

3. Collaborate with local businesses for cross-promotion

Partner with fitness centers, beauty salons, and wellness studios. Cross-promotional efforts, like combined discounts or gift bags, can attract a broader audience and enhance community relations.

4. Offer live demos of services and treatments

Seeing is believing. Live demos are your opportunity to show potential clients how your treatments work. The added benefit: They demystify complex procedures and soften any apprehensions clients might have.

5. Provide free consultations with experts

When you give attendees a chance to discuss their concerns and explore customized treatment plans, they’re more likely to commit to future appointments.

6. Choose a creative theme

Plan a “Beauty and the Beach” event in summer, or a “Fall Back in Time” open house when clocks turn back an hour in November to promote anti-aging treatments before the holiday season. Then drum up excitement on social media to encourage attendance.

Zenoti tip: Set up a tech corner at your open house

Integrating all aspects of running a med spa, Zenoti software offers the digital touchpoints today’s customers seek. Use the tech corner to show clients how they can book their own appointments, buy gift cards, and easily refer friends and family – all with just taps on their phone through your beautifully branded mobile app. This helps highlight your commitment to offering an excellent experience at every step of the client journey.

Tips for planning and executing a successful med spa open house

Now that you have a handful of medical spa open house ideas, here’s some practical advice to ensure your event is a success.

Set clear goals: Define what you want to achieve, whether it’s increasing client sign-ups, promoting a new service, or boosting brand awareness.

Plan ahead: Start at least two months in advance, covering all logistics from invitations to event setup.  

Promote your open house: Use social media and email marketing to drive attendance. Remember to create an event page where guests can RSVP.

Engage your team: Ensure staff members are well-prepared and knowledgeable about their roles during the event.

Create a welcoming atmosphere: Consider hiring a professional decorator to make your space comfortable and inviting.

Measure success: Analyze attendance numbers, client feedback, and immediate impacts on bookings and revenue.

Open houses are a powerful way to attract new clients and strengthen relationships with your current customers. Armed with these medical spa open house ideas – and some planning and teamwork – you can pull off an event that ends up being the talk of the town.

Learn how to personalize and automate med spa marketing with Zenoti software.

Gita Mani
Senior Content Specialist
Gita helps brands find the right words for their messaging, with the customer’s best interests informing her approach. Being in nature is her favorite way to relax.
Gita Mani
Senior Content Specialist
Gita helps brands find the right words for their messaging, with the customer’s best interests informing her approach. Being in nature is her favorite way to relax.

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Senior Product Marketing Manager, Fitness
Coming from a healthcare family, growing up as a competitive athlete, and being trained as a filmmaker, and MBA, Cullie brings diverse experience to her storytelling and digital business-to-business product marketing. Her writing focuses on sharing trends and insights from her experience in software, entertainment, wellness, and fitness.

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