
Berkowits Hair and Skin Clinic is a successful medical spa chain with 10 locations. Their services include hair transplant, hair removal and skin care therapies. In 2013, Berkowits started using Zenoti’s (formerly ManageMySpa) lead management capabilities to help manage their incoming enquiries, around 1400 a month. We spoke to Arpit Goel of Berkowits, on how Zenoti helps him convert those enquiries into clients.

Can you describe what wasn’t working with your old lead management system?

Before Zenoti, all enquirers went to the branch where we manually entered information into a register. They captured dates for follow-ups and a counsellor would call every lead and write down notes from their conversation. If we called someone and they asked us to call in a week, often that wouldn’t happen. The counsellor would be busy with meetings and they weren’t following up every day; it was easy to miss the follow-up call. The issue was that there was no reminder on follow-ups. Our admin office had no way to track what was going on – how many leads were coming in, if follow-ups were happening, if we were able to get them in for a consultation.

Why did you choose Zenoti for your lead management?

We wanted to move lead management to a central call center. Since Zenoti is a cloud solution, it’s easy to manage things centrally and share data with the branches. This change gives us more control. The second reason is that we needed to manage follow-ups on every lead better. Earlier, we weren’t able to follow-up on the right day and consistently follow through on leads to closure. I wanted a fool-proof system that made sure we weren’t letting opportunity slip through the cracks. Since we already used Zenoti for our branch operations, it was a big plus that everything integrates – leads move into our client database, their notes are stored, reporting is richer, employee access is already secure - it’s a natural fit that way.

How did your process for managing leads change?

Our call center fields all calls, they enter the lead into Zenoti’s sales module and assign a status. The status is used by us to track how qualified the lead is. If they’re in the ‘prospect’ status, then we know we still have to get them into a center. If they’re set to active, then I know they’ve visited for a consultation, but they haven’t yet come in for their first service. As soon as they come in for their first service, then the prospect is marked as ‘won’ and is now considered a client. We also assign a sales owner as soon as the enquiry comes in. The owner starts as the call center rep. If the prospect has gone to a branch for a consultation, then we switch the owner to the counselor who is responsible for converting the consultation visit into a paid service visit.

Sales pipeline by status - berkowits

Zenoti ensures we follow-up on leads consistently – leads no longer slip through the cracks and every lead is tracked through to closure – either won or lost. Our percentage of new clients has increased from 40% to 60%. This is a result of our improved lead tracking process with Zenoti.

Zenoti makes sure that the sales owner consistently updates their leads. Whenever a sales owner enters a follow-up note it means they’ve talked to a client, and then they shift the opportunity to the next follow-up date. The follow-up date is critical for us. Call center staff has the bulk of leads assigned to them, they use reports to track their daily follow-ups. If the owner is the counsellor, they have fewer follow-ups in a day. Zenoti alerts them with a pop-up when it’s time for a follow-up. This reminder makes sure that these qualified leads are being followed up on at the right time. Also, if a prospect has visited our clinics or has given us permission to send them SMS (text messages) then we include them in our SMS campaigns. For example, if we’re holding an event for a service, then we create a target segment that includes all the prospects that had a consultation on that service. We also include existing clients that consulted on that service, but never bought the service. We send out a campaign to these folks; this works well in converting the prospects into clients. Zenoti’s reports allow our management to monitor the opportunities modified per day per branch; we can run reports for each branch as well as for the organization. Management can also see what kind of follow-ups each person is doing per month. This roughly tells us the performance of each staff member.

What are the results of switching to Zenoti for lead management?

The final measure of success is our conversion rate. The first conversion we look at is the number of leads that we convert to consultations. Then we also see the conversion from consultation to client. This month, we had around 60% conversion of leads to clients. Before we started using Zenoti, we were around 40%. We did not expect this operational change would impact business to the degree it did. Berkowits Hair and Skin Clinic uses Zenoti's medical spa software across their organization for appointment scheduling, billing, inventory management, marketing, employee management, reporting, mobile solutions and reports and analytics. As a multi-center chain, Berkowits is able to centrally manage their business using multi-center support in Zenoti. Read more case studies to learn how businesses have grown with Zenoti. To learn more about how Zenoti can help your spa, salon or medical spa achieve real business results, request a demo.

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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