
Medical spas and medical aesthetics clinics face unique challenges when trying to attract and retain clients. Amid fierce competition, medspa brands are forced to establish trust and transparency with potential clients usually without meeting or speaking with them first.

In the latest medspa consumer data from Zenoti, medspa clients list “a friendly, familiar conversation” as the #1 aspect of a great in-person experience.  

For an industry that relies on patients feeling safe and cared for, establishing trust can be difficult. That makes video an exceptionally impactful marketing tool to acquire new clients – and retain them. When done right, posting videos to your social media channels gives people the chance to see your medical staff and providers, get familiar with your clinic, and learn from your expertise.  

How can you best leverage video for your business? Let’s explore how video content on social media can enhance your medical spa's client and patient engagement:  

Tip 1: Feature clinicians in your videos to build trust and transparency  

Forming a trusting professional relationship with a client is important for any medspa – for any beauty and wellness business, really. But for medical procedures, particularly elective procedures, trust and transparency are paramount.  

Video gives potential clients the chance to "meet" the professionals they’ll see and work with at your clinic. It also gives your clinicians a forum to strategically showcase their expertise, facilities, and support staff.  

Try combining a behind-the-scenes look at daily operations with clinicians' qualifications and commitment to patient care. This potent mix allows your clinic to seamlessly establish itself as a trusted authority in the medical aesthetics field.  

Tip 2: Use patient testimonials to forge an emotional connection  

In the aesthetics space, few visuals are more powerful than before-and-after pictures. But applying the before-and-after narrative to video does even more: Your medspa can tell compelling stories via your satisfied, existing clients, forging an emotional connection with the viewing audience.  

These patient transformations, and their positive, real-life impact, inspire potential customers to engage more with your videos – particularly if their own desires and goals resonate with what they see onscreen.    

The emotional power of visual storytelling fosters a deep connection, further helping potential clients feel comfortable and confident about choosing your clinic for their aesthetic needs.  

Tip 3: Educate and inform prospective clients  

Because of the complexities of some medical aesthetics procedures, patients often have questions and concerns about the treatments they’re considering.  

Address those questions ahead of time with informative videos that explain different treatments, benefits, expected results, and information about recovery. This gives your prospective and current clients valuable insights they can use to make informed decisions... while also building confidence in those decisions and your expertise.  

The best format for informative videos? Step-by-step demonstrations with on-screen text callouts. That’s a great way to inform and ease anxiety for prospective clients.

Tip 4: Let prospective clients lead the discussion  

If you’re an ambitious brand looking to really create connections with clients, make use of the live-stream feature on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube.  

You can demonstrate a particular treatment and conduct real-time Q&A sessions with the viewers (answers from knowledgeable professionals, only, of course!)  

The real-time connection and interactivity build customer engagement and brand recall. In addition, by directly addressing viewers’ concerns and questions, clinicians can show off their capacity and ability to provide empathetic, personalized care.  

Tip 5: Create both long-form and short-form videos

With the varied attention spans of today’s audiences, experiment with which long-form and short-form videos work best for your business.  

Long videos are usually defined as two or more minutes in length. Short videos can be anywhere from 10 seconds to one minute. Offering both serves a vital purpose for your social media strategy. Not only does the variety cater to diverse preferences, but short-form video can act as an entry point for serial scrollers to stop and learn more about your business – potentially with a longer video.  

Short-form videos are easily consumable and highly shareable, enabling clinics to capture attention quickly and generate viral potential – in turn, expanding their reach and brand awareness.  

Conversely, long-form videos allow for in-depth and educational content, the right material to establish a clinic's expertise and build trust with potential clients.  

By incorporating both formats into your channels’ posts, you’ll craft an engaging social media presence that effectively connects with a broader audience and drives customer engagement.  


Trust is foundational to the medical aesthetics industry, challenging clinics to work harder to attract and retain clients. Social media can help build that trust, with videos adding interest and authenticity.

Medspas can use videos to feature clinicians and offer behind-the-scenes views. Videos lend themselves especially well to before-and-after-testimonials, too. Educational videos and step-by-step demonstrations help clients make informed treatment choices and decisions.

The live-stream feature is ideal for demonstrating certain treatments and responding to questions in real time. By using both long-form and short-form videos, medical spas can showcase their expertise and expand their reach.

Aubrey Howard
Social Media Marketing Manager
Aubrey lives in Michigan with her son. When she's not reading, fixing up her log cabin, or recording music, she works to create engaging and seamless digital experiences. She works in diverse fields, including e-commerce, engineering online education experiences, consulting for food and beverage businesses, brand & concept development, and the intersection of human behavior and information sciences.
Aubrey Howard
Social Media Marketing Manager
Aubrey lives in Michigan with her son. When she's not reading, fixing up her log cabin, or recording music, she works to create engaging and seamless digital experiences. She works in diverse fields, including e-commerce, engineering online education experiences, consulting for food and beverage businesses, brand & concept development, and the intersection of human behavior and information sciences.

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