
Your Zenoti account was upgraded on January 7th with enhancements around gift cards, tips and inventory audits.

Gift Cards

Key enhancements in the area of gift cards allows you to better manage and support your customers:

  • Your customers can use gift cards to pay for products and memberships in addition to services and packages.
  • Combine value on two or more gift cards into a single gift card. For example, if a customer has two gift cards with $20 remaining on each card, combine these into a single gift card valued at $40.
  • Store notes about a gift card purchase. For example, capture something like “Susan bought this card for her sister’s birthday next week” or “Suggested treatment: 60 minute scrub & massage”. These notes appear in the POS at the time of payment and can also be accessed in the buyer’s guest profile or when looking up a gift card by its unique ID.
  • Optionally, restrict gift cards to have the same sale price and value. This mitigates pilferage by restricting the front desk from selling a $100 gift card for $50. The system still supports the ability to run special promotions, like “Buy a $100 gift card and receive a $25 card as a bonus,” and provides mechanisms to mitigate misuse of the promotion. Further, a managerial override can also be used to change the price of a gift card.

If you need help setting up online gift card sales or configuring gift card settings, please contact support.

Extended Support For Collecting Service Tips

Enhancements in areas of tip collection include:

  • Collect tips in cash regardless of the customer’s payment method for their appointment. For example, the customer can pay for their appointment via credit card and pay for the tip using cash.
  • Tips can be paid using cash, credit card, check, custom payments and gift cards.
  • The ability to auto-generate a suggested tip amount for your front desk. For example, if on your service menu or otherwise, you suggest a gratuity or tip of 20%, define this in the system. The system will calculate 20% of the invoice value so that no manual calculation is required.
  • Split tip payments between payment methods. For example, if a customer wanted to give $30 in tips, she could split the payment between $10 on a gift card and $20 with cash.

Partial Inventory Audit

Inventory audits just got easier with support for partial audits. You now have the ability to:

  • Search by tag when choosing the products you would like to audit. This enables you to conduct partial audits on categories of products, products from a particular vendor and so on.
  • View the number of products audited and not audited, which helps you track and organize your ongoing audits.
  • For the products not audited, you can decide how quantities are reflected in your stock level reports. Choose from the following options:
  • Stock level quantities reflect projected levels based on retail purchases and usage of product based on services delivered. For example, if your last audit showed 100 units of Botox, and you used 50 units in treatments, the system will project that you still have 50 units remaining.
  • Stock level quantities automatically show a zero for those not yet audited. This is useful when you have many products, for example, you might have 1,000 products total and only 200 currently in stock. All products not audited yet will automatically show as zero with this option.
  • The audit history report clearly indicates which stock levels were actually audited versus those entered by the system by either of the above two options.

Please note that these upgrades will not affect your current settings or operations in Zenoti. To learn more about the new features or to implement them, contact your consultant or call our support team.

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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