
Stepping into the barbering world can be both exhilarating and daunting. Gone are the days of basic cuts and shaves. Today’s clients want texture, fades and tapers, undercuts, combovers, and more. They also expect the barbershop around the corner to offer the convenience of digital access to barbers and barbershops – and most shops are scrambling to catch up.

If you are a barber in training, an aspiring master of the shears, or a newer barbershop entrepreneur, this is your guide to must-have tools and equipment when getting started.

A barber chair

Let’s start with the most iconic symbol of any barbershop – the barber chair. It's so much more than just a chair; it’s where your client forms their first impressions and finds instant relaxation – or notices the lack of it. For a beginning barber, investing in a well-made, comfortable, and durable barber chair is key. Look for adjustable chairs that swivel and recline, making it easy to work without strain.

Tools and equipment

Elevate your barbershop services with quality implements, skincare knowledge, and personalized care. Reliable tools and top-notch grooming essentials can make a difference to the service experience for both you and your customers.

Trusty shears
The distinction between good and exceptional work often lies in the quality of your implements. Get a reliable pair of shears for precise control over your cutting technique.  

Just as vital are clippers with strong motors for hair removal and fading. Invest in a versatile, long-lasting set with a range of guard sizes.

Shaving essentials
Next is your shaving kit – a razor that suits your grip, with blades that produce the cleanest shave. Pair it with quality shaving creams and gels to take grooming from mundane to magical.  

For shaving mastery, add a deep understanding of skin care to incorporate pre-shave oils and after-shave lotions for every skin type. Personalized care before and after the core service helps secure client loyalty – and gets the ball rolling for product sales during future visits.

Combs and brushes
You’re going to see a wide variety of hair types and styles throughout your career, as you know. To deliver the best possible service, buy an array of combs – from wide-toothed ones for detangling to taper combs for precision cuts.  

For a polished finish, a good set of brushes, including a neck duster, is a must. A high-quality boar bristle brush is invaluable for beard maintenance, helping exfoliate the skin beneath while ensuring the beard looks neat and well-groomed.

Capes and sanitation
From barber chair to barber brushes, you’re just about done. Complete your chairside toolkit by procuring capes to protect your clients' clothes. Because sanitation is always paramount, also invest in disinfectant jars for tools, and keep your working space and shop pristine.

Finally, remember that one-on-one interaction and personal touch are part of delivering your services. Be sure to maintain an impeccably clean environment to show your respect for your clients and your craft.

Barbershop software

Now you might feel ready to book customers, maybe even start running a new shop. Barber chair? Check. Shears, shaving gear, combs, and capes? Check.  

But there is one more “tool” that deserves serious thought: barber salon software.  

Because barbershop software runs quietly behind the scenes, it may not be at the top of your list as an “essential” – but selecting a subpar software platform can cause bottom-line issues. Barbershop software that’s not up to the task can translate to fewer booked appointments, higher client attrition, needless payment hassles, and lots of additional manual work for staff.

At minimum, your barber salon software should have three features:

1. Online appointment booking
Choose an easy-to-use barber scheduling app for staff and customers to reserve appointments online. It’s important to optimize appointment scheduling as it affects three factors tied to earning more. To open even more scheduling options, add a chatbot to save time for your staff and ensure you don’t miss any customer calls, both during and outside your operating hours.

2. A mobile app for customers
Digital access is high on the list of what barbershop clients really want: More than 80% want to use their phone to book appointments. With a mobile app, they get the speed and convenience considered crucial for a positive customer experience today. With the right app functionality, you can also encourage guests to add services or products to online appointment booking.

3. An integrated payment solution
Simplify transactions for your staff by choosing a payment solution that meshes with your appointment book and POS system. Any solution should offer reliable uptime, advanced security, and centralized reporting. Make it easy for customers to pay in-store and online – including automatic withdrawals – with in-app payments eliminating the wait to check out.

The Zenoti difference for barbers and barbershops

Designed for barbershop management, the Zenoti platform offers all three must-haves: online appointment scheduling, a mobile app for customers, and an integrated payment solution.  

To help with the other aspects of running your barbershop, Zenoti includes features like a mobile POS, automated waitlist management, personalized marketing, and business reporting, to name just a few.

Zenoti is also the only barbershop software with features designed to bring in more revenue and a mobile app just for staff. The app, called MyZen, helps your barbers take control of their day and focus on what they do best. They can view upcoming appointments, access client notes to personalize service, rebook customers at the end of a service, and track their performance goals. Barbers can also view their commissions and tip income through the app, helping them stay engaged and motivated.


It’s vital for barbers to have everything they need when starting out so they’re prepared when it’s time to take on business leadership. Equally important, barbershop owners and managers must keep pace with ever-evolving customer expectations. It helps to start with the basics and build from there.

The must-haves begin with a comfortable barber chair and quality cutting and grooming tools and products.

Next, think of your desired outcome: to deliver first-rate service in a clean, comfortable environment with the goal of delighting customers and encouraging repeat business.

Finally, don’t overlook a critical aspect of business management: your software platform. Comprehensive barbershop software like Zenoti simplifies the essential aspects of running your barbershop. Beyond that, it empowers you to treat your clients like VIPs, makes it easier to satisfy staff, and even helps you maximize revenue.

See more of why Zenoti is the most complete barbershop software.

Gita Mani
Senior Content Specialist
Gita Mani
Senior Content Specialist

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