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Have a situation where the same therapist needs to cater to more than one service at the same time? Allow overlapping appointments as an organization level setting and the appointment book will let you have one therapist do multiple services at the same time.
Want to apply ‘service tax’ and ‘service charge’ on services and ‘VAT’ on product in the same invoice? Zenoti (formerly ManageMySpa) allows you to apply multiple taxes in a single invoice. You can also define the order in which the taxes need to be applied if service tax is to be applied first, followed by service charge and so on. Further, Zenoti gives you the flexibility to define whether tax will be applied on the base price or the discounted price, if a discount has been given on the service. Working with multiple tax structure is now easy.
Need to backdate a few entries? This is now made easy with a feature to override transaction dates for invoices. Use the Sales – Invoices report in the Admin module to edit the sale dates and the service dates for the invoice. You can also access the invoice and make changes to the invoice from here. Updating invoices was never so easy!
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