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Running out of professional or retail products impacts your bottom line whether the customer walks out or simply is disappointed. However, any salon or spa manger knows how difficult and tedious of a task salon management software can be. Zenoti makes it easier with end-to-end inventory management that includes automated creation of purchase orders based on low stock levels.
You can tag every product with an order level - the quantity that alerts your manager to reorder the product. For example, you might assign a particular shampoo an order level of 20 bottles; once your product has reached that limit, you would know to place your order. Zenoti tracks your product stock levels based on how much product was sold and consumed through services since your last audit. For example, if your last audit showed 50 bottles of shampoo, and you’ve sold 30 bottles since, Zenoti will know that it’s time to reorder.
The Auto-Generate Purchase Orders makes it easy for inventory managers by creating Purchase Orders for all products that are at “order level”. The manager simply clicks the button – “Add Order (Auto)”, the system shows a list of all products that need to be ordered along with the vendor you last purchased from and quantities based on your desired levels. You can change both the vendor and order quantity level.
The system then creates a PO for each vendor.To learn more about auto-purchase orders, contact us.
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