The holiday season is upon us. Whether you turn on Christmas music right after Halloween or wait until after Thanksgiving, we are all mentally planning gifts for the loved ones in our lives. Some of us will hit the stores on Black Friday and others prefer the online store route. Either way, there is a high likelihood we’ll buy at least one gift card this season. I’m taking a lesson from 45% of senior citizens who purchase gift cards.

Fun fact- Did you know that 65% of people who receive a gift card spend about 40% more than the value of the gift card? Meaning when people purchase a gift card they will spend more on their first visit and then, after you wow them with their experience, they’ll be coming back for more.

In a report by, spending on gift cards increases by 10% year over year and will be about $400B in 2019, so let’s make sure your gift cards are easy to find. Newly released in the November product launch, is the ability to offer a Buy One Get One gift card purchase both in the CMA or on your spa or salon webstore.

Need a few other creative ideas to boost gift card purchases?  Check out these suggestions to boost gift cards sales. Seems like a no-brainer, but the easier it is to purchase a gift card, whether in the store or online, the more people will buy.

Remember to think about those last minute shoppers who are looking to buy a gift on Christmas Eve at 9pm. Let’s be honest, we’ve all been there.

Our Zenoti team has you covered with a quick and simple gift card set up. Either an admin can set it up in the platform or reach out to for help. We are here to help your business grow because you make the world a better place by making people feel their best.

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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