At midnight on April 23rd, we updated your system with new features and enhancements. Most visible will be updates to the UI. We've updated elements for consistency and readability. If you want to walk through the changes, please sign up for the webinar to be held on Apr 24th at 4 PM (IST)


Phone Number Restriction The system can now check for phone number length when capturing customer info to help with accuracy. A default length is assigned based on your organization's country. For example, centers in India will, by default, require phone numbers between 1 to 10 digits. For a more strict requirement you can change the minimum and maximum number of digits allowed. You can define this for your organization from Admin > Org > Settings. You should update phone numbers already in the system to comply with the new length restrictions. If you do not, the system will prompt front desk for the right phone number when booking an appointment for that customer.

Prepaid Cards Prepaid cards (which serve as advanced payments) now support the purchase of memberships, packages and gift cards, in addition to product and service purchases.

Open Appointments Alert This alert now includes any advances the customer has in addition to any outstanding balance.

Outstanding Balance Alert The email alert and report now includes a breakdown of the amount due, i.e. in addition to the total outstanding balance, you see how much came from services, products, memberships, packages and gift cards, as well as any advances made through a prepaid card. You can define which alerts to receive from Admin > Org > Alerts as well as the center level at Admin > Center > Alerts. The report can be accessed from the Loyalty module.

Appointment Details

The appointment window that shows when you hover your mouse over any appointment block, now shows the number of times the customer had previously had the same service.


Monitor Pricing Export a list to Excel for pricing on products or services across all your centers. Use the export icon on the products or services master lists (in the Admin screen) to perform the export.

Override the One Time Password (OTP) This feature is used to control pilferage on memberships by ensuring only the member holder can use the membership. The feature now supports the same process to verify customer identity for packages, loyalty points, and prepaid card redemptions. To understand how the OTP feature works, visit Zenoti Support.


Nickname Alert When creating an employee profile, the system will now alert you if that nickname has already been used in the same center.


Update To All Reports All reports now include a total as the last row in the report, which shows for all pricing and quantity data columns..

Audit Page

The audit page now shows the quantity, unit and code of the product to make audit entries easier and quicker. This helps provide clarity especially when a single product is available in various unit sizes.

Audit History Report You can now access any audit from any time, in addition to the latest audit.

Purchase Orders The purchase order summary page now includes additional fields to better track total order value, e.g. you can now more easily track discounts, taxes, shipping and handling, etc.

Product Transfers Product transfers between centers can now be performed whether stock is in the stores or on floor. That is, when conducting a transfer, the system will first look for stock on the floor, and then stores to fulfill requirement for the transfer. You can define this for your center from Admin > Center > Settings, once enabled at organization level.

Inventory Value Report This report now supports both the FIFO and average models when calculating and displaying the product value. Simply select the method from the drop-down list.


Memberships The system now allows customers to use a membership to redeem against day packages, series packages, and promotional packages in addition to services.

Package Balance Report This report now includes the total number of services in the package, total # of times the package was redeemed, balance on sittings that remain.


Revenue Reports The redemption reports now show a breakdown by sale type, e.g. memberships, packages and gift cards. Access these reports from Admin > Accounting Reports > Organization Revenue

Sales Reports These reports now include a column to show who closed each sale in order to provide more transparency and easier tracking for commissions. Access this report from Admin > Reports > Sales

Daily Report This report now shows who booked an appointment and closed an invoice, which helps track down any pilferage issues.

Employee Performance Report Additional columns have been added to give you a complete view into the employee's attendance. You can access Employee > Performance > Attendance.  

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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