• Filter for rooms based on availability and by service. You can now map rooms to specific services, so that rooms can be booked only for specific services. When booking an appointment, the rooms drop-down will show only those rooms which are available and mapped to the service you've selected.


  • For our India-based customers, we've updated Tally integration to support transactions from redemptions of loyalty points, memberships, and packages. You can create redemption accounts in Tally to capture this transaction data.
  • One-time-password can now be used to verify customers when applying a campaign or membership on the customer invoice.

Employee Module

  • You can now optionally award commissions for delivering free services that a customer receives as part of a membership, promotion or redeems from loyalty points.

Inventory Module

  • Transfers between centers now have a status of "transit". Products are automatically tagged as 'in transit' after a transfer order is raised. On delivery to the receiving center, the status will be updated to delivered.
  • Employees with appropriate role permission can now update inventory transactions including purchase and transfer orders, reconciliation pages, or audit pages.
  • A new setting in the Admin > Organization tab allows you to specify whether you would like an automatic, system checkout of retail products from store to floor. This automatic checkout is triggered if a customer purchases a retail product, and that product is not available on the floor, but is available in the stores. The system updates the product check-out log to show a checkout from stores to floor. This keeps inventory levels accurate, without having to enforce a manual check-out by an employee.
  • A transfer price is now included on each product profile page. This price will be referenced in transfer orders as the unit price. This allows you to define a pricing different from the MRP. And, helps you control pricing despite taxes that may alter pricing listed on your transfer orders.
  • You can now choose to calculate product consumption (only those tagged as Consumables) based on the service-to-product mapping by center. This setting is added at center level for flexibility between centers.
  • We now support category and sub category filters in the Audit page.
  • We now support a default tax type in the vendor master page. This is used when creating purchase orders and helps to minimize data entry errors.
  • Updates to inventory reports include additional columns (vendor name, PO number, tax value) in the vendor returns report. And, additional columns (invoice number, quantity, value, and tax) in the customer returns report.

Loyalty Module

  • You can now see the services offered in a package from the guest profile even when the package sale is open.

If you want to walk through the changes, please sign up for the webinar to be held on June 7th at 4 PM (IST).

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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