There are so many popular sites these days – Facebook, Twitter, business listings like Yelp (in the US) and now Google +. As a small or medium sized business, you need to decide if you should invest your time and energy in setting up and maintaining a Google + page.

In this blog post, I introduce you to the benefits of Google+. So you can decide if creating a Google+ account makes sense for your business.

More About Google+

Google + is a social media platform similar to Facebook and Twitter. With a Google+ page, you can upload posts, photos and engage with customers through comments. The biggest difference with Facebook is that Google+ also makes it easy for visitors to post reviews on your page. While Google + is not as popular as Facebook and Twitter (in some regions), it is part of the Google ecosystem and so offers powerful benefits.

Google+ Influences Search Results

Every year thousands of your potential customers use Google Search to find spa and salon services. If you have a website, you can and should invest in search engine optimization, which ensures that Google search can find you. Google+ also helps Google find you and can be much easier than search engine optimization.

The Power of Google+ Reviews And +1's

If you create a Google+ page for your business, your customers or visitors can “+1” your page or posts. The “+1” is similar to a “Like” on Facebook. Customers can also post reviews along with a star rating of your business on your Google+ page.

The Power of Google+ Reviews And +1's

Google+ Review and Star Rating: The number of +1s and the star ratings on your reviews influences whether you show up on the top of the page in a Google Search. Let’s assume you have a website, a Yelp business listing with high rated reviews and a Google+ account with high rated reviews. Your business could show up in search results three times on the same page. Typically, your Yelp listing would show first, followed by your Google+ account listing and then your own website.

Google+ review and star rating

Let Customers See A Rich Profile Of Your Spa Or Salon

If you set up a Google+ page, you’ll need to post your business hours, addresses, photos and so on. Google uses this information to display a rich snippet of your business on the right hand side of a Google search results page.

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Rich snippet of your business profile in Google Search Results - Sample

The snippet is bold and large and definitely attracts the attention of the page viewer. In addition to your info from your Google+ account, the snippet will also include links to any other reviews like on Facebook and Switchboard.

Google+ Photos Attract Potential Customers

Pictures are powerful marketing vehicles and Google+ makes it easy for you to upload, edit and share photos. Photos are a great way to captivate your visitors’ attention.

A Google+ Account Links To Google Maps

People also search for spas and salons using Google Maps. This is especially important for spas and salons as Google Maps helps people find locations close to them. Your business will show up in Google Maps if you set up a Google+ page (and verifying your location). Similar to a regular web search, your listing will show on top based on how many +1s and positive reviews you have.

Google+ account linked to google maps - sample

Note: You can also sign up for Google Maps directly by going to Google Places For Business.

Also read: salon pos system

Do You Need A Google+ Account?

A Google+ business page helps you gain visibility when people search for your or a service that you offer in Google. This is a powerful way to attract new customers. However, Google+ is yet another social media account that you’ll need to manage if you’re already using Facebook or Twitter. So really, it’s up to you to decide if the benefits outweigh the time and effort to keep your Google+ page fresh. Zenoti (formerly ManageMySpa) is an all-in-one solution for your spa or salon. Learn more about us by requesting a demo.

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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