December product update: what's new in your zenoti software

The December product update includes features such as Connect for business texting and invoice logs. The update also includes improvements to the Appointment Book, Employee Management module, Packages, Zenoti Mobile and more.

Appointment Book

Business Texting with Connect

Generally, text messaging is the preferred communication method for many of your customers. With Connect, you can now enable 2-way texting directly through Zenoti.

Because texts are read and responded to immediately, you’ll see improved productivity from your staff and be certain that no customer communications go unanswered.

Note: Connect is not available to all and requires providers in your region to support it. For availability and pricing, please contact Zenoti Support.

Use Invoice Logs To Track Actions On An Invoice

With this upgrade, every action on an invoice will be logged. For example, when the invoice was created, by whom, the items were purchased, the payment method used, and any updates made to the invoice. Invoice logs, therefore, serve as a handy reference tool especially in case of disputes as they can help you to trace actions on an invoice to a specific employee. For example, using such logs, you can easily trace which employee gave manual discounts, to which guests, and how much discount was given. In effect, invoice logs deter fraud, as staff will be accountable for their actions.

Invoice Log

Note: Users with the appropriate permissions, can view logs for open invoices (invoices with partial payments) and closed invoices (invoices where payment are made in full).We are also adding a new report, Invoice Logs (Reports > Finance > Sales), at the center level that you can use to trace every action made on an invoice such as the item that was sold, memberships, packages, campaigns, or discounts applied or removed, details of commissions and tips that were added, updated, or removed.


More Flexibility in Refunding Packages

Some series packages offer services over longer time periods (such as a year) where guests must come in for sittings at regular intervals. For example, a body contouring package may require guests to visit at least once every month for 10 months. Currently, after you process a refund on such a package, any unused benefits become unavailable and the package too, becomes inactive.

With this upgrade, we are giving you more flexibility while processing package refunds. You can choose to either refund the amount and keep the package active (so that the guest can continue to redeem package benefits based on the package balance) or refund the amount and close the package (to make the benefits unavailable to the guest).Additionally, you will be able to process multiple refunds on such packages. That is, guests may seek refunds multiple times during the validity period of a package.

Note: You can apply these refunds only to closed invoices (package invoices where guests have paid in full).

Zenoti Mobile

New Layout to See Your Day’s Schedule (iOS)

With this upgrade, you can view your day’s schedule in a new view of the Appointment Book. With this new layout, you can easily distinguish your busy times and free slots at a glance.

New Layout to See Your Day’s Schedule (iOS)

To learn about the minor enhancements in this product update, read the support article.

Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.
Emily Martin
Zenoti Copywriter
A self-confessed bookworm with a passion for languages and weaving together words. Happiest when immersed in nature, either on horseback or skis, or curled up with a good thriller. Emily's writing focuses on sharing trends and insights impacting the beauty and wellness industry.

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