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Zenoti (formerly ManageMySpa)now helps you to review outstanding balances for each guest. A new report called ‘Outstanding Balances’ is now available in the Loyalty module to track outstanding balances for guests and follow up with them in an effective and informed way. Export this information to Excel and have your receptionists make follow up calls. Managing outstanding payments from guests has never been so easy.
Zenoti now explicitly prints the amount that is due in a guest invoice, if there is any pending amount. This is especially useful when printing receipts for partial payments.
When a guest comes for a loyalty points or gift card redemption for a discounted service, do you want to deduct the redemption from the base price first and then apply the discount on the balance or do you wish to apply the discount on the balance post redemption? Zenoti now allows you to calculate discounts in both ways. In the Organization settings, define whether or not you wish to apply discounts on the base price. If this setting is enabled, discount will be applied on the base price and the remaining balance can be paid via redemptions (for example, loyalty points) or any other payment type. If this setting is disabled, the discount will be applied on the balance amount post redemptions (for example, loyalty points). Choose what suits your business.
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